- Rewrite Your Notes
- Create Your Own Charts
- Crayons, Markers, and Highlighters — Oh My!
- Take Practice Tests
- Create A Quiet Workspace
2. Kinesthetic
- Exercise Your Mind
- Walk With A Study Buddy
- Join A Study Group
- Create A Game
- Take Your Time
3. Auditory
- Record Your Lectures
- Read To A Friend
- Invest In Quality Headphones
- Jam It Out With A Jingle
- Record Yourself Studying
Back to school is almost here, but your focus might not be as caught up. Find out your learning style to get the best study tips for college your best year yet.
Did you have a hard time staying focused last semester? Did you know that finding your learning style might be the best way to refocus before the start of school? With back to school slowly approaching, here are the best study tips that will engage your focus no matter your method of learning.
If bold colors and demonstrative charts and graphs catch your eye, you’re most likely a visual learner — someone who learns best through visual aids. Here are a few study tips for visual learners that are sure to kick off your year right:
Rewrite Your Notes
Most of the time, professors are talking fast and you’re trying your best to jot down everything they say. And if you’re a visual learner, you’re most likely not happy with the way your rushed notes look. Here’s a tip for studying at home: instead of focusing on making your notes look aesthetically pleasing during class, try rewriting your notes to your liking once the class has ended. This will help you retain the information faster and make your notes the talk of the class. All you need are some bright highlighters and funky pens and you’re good to go.
Create Your Own Charts
One of the most effective visual study tips for college students is creating your own charts, diagrams, graphs, and timelines. If you have a big speech coming up, try creating slides that will aid you with your topic. Even if you don’t present them during class, you’ll still have a better grasp of your speech. If you’re not as artistic as you wish you were, ask your professor if they have any visual demonstrations that tie in with the current lesson. You might be able to get your hands on their classroom presentations.
Crayons, Markers, and Highlighters — Oh My!
Just because you’re no longer in elementary school doesn’t mean you have to stop using color. If pens and pencils just aren’t cutting it, head to your local craft store and pick up all the crayons, markers, and highlighters that spark your interest. Although unleashing your inner child might not be the first study tip for visual learners that comes to mind, it sure is the most fun.
Take Practice Tests
Here’s an online study tip that is sure to boost your GPA: try taking practice tests online. Not only will it get you in the right headspace for the big day, but it will also help you think of some of the questions that might be on the test. If you can’t find any practice quizzes that match your material, try creating your own practice test. Think of some questions that you might not know the answers to or ask your classmates to send you their own tough questions. If you have a go-to study buddy in that class, create quizzes for each other.
Create A Quiet Work Space
From your phone to your friends, the outside world can be super distracting, especially right before a big exam. And if you are a visual learner, it can be even more challenging to stay focused on schoolwork. That’s why creating a quiet atmosphere is essential for limiting all of that distraction. Try to stay away from windows or doors that way you won’t be wondering what your roommate is up to or what’s going on outside. And while you’re at it, leave the phone somewhere else too. The outside world will still be there when you’re done.
If you have a hard time focusing during class and feel like you just can’t sit still, you’re most likely a kinesthetic learner — someone who learns best by doing or movement. While this type of learning isn’t usually practiced in a classroom setting, have no fear because there are plenty of study tips for kinesthetic learners.
Exercise Your Mind
If sitting at a desk and reading your lecture notes sounds boring to you, take your notes outside. Try walking around your backyard or around campus to keep your body occupied. Just make sure not to run into anyone. Or if it’s negative temperatures out there, try hopping on your treadmill or pacing around your room. Afraid of bumping into too many things? Investing in an exercise ball will also keep your body occupied while your mind gets to work.
Walk With A Study Buddy
Have a study buddy in your class that’s looking for a study session? Fresh air might do the trick. Try quizzing each other while walking around your neighborhood or campus. No materials are required. Or if you’re not 100% ready to be quizzed, talk to each other about which areas are difficult for you. Don’t have anyone in your class that could be of assistance? Ask a friend! Give your friend your flashcards and have them quiz you while you take in the fresh air.
Join A Study Group
One of the best study tips for any student, but especially kinesthetic learners, is getting a hands-on learning experience by joining a study group. Don’t have any preexisting study groups? Take the lead by setting one up yourself. You might just make some new friends in the process.
Create A Game
Even if you don’t have an artistic bone in your body, creating a game with your study material is a fun and innovative way to “win” your test. Take any old games and game boards that you haven’t used in years and completely reinvent them using just your everyday school supplies. Plus when you’re done, you can ask your professor if you can bring it to class. It’s a great way to bond with your classmates and learn your study material.
Take Your Time
The thought of spending hours studying for an exam might sound like a nightmare, especially if you don’t have the best time management skills. The best study tip for students who are kinesthetic learners is to take your time. Instead of spending hours staring at your computer screen, take a break every 10, 20, or 30 minutes. If you still feel restless, keep something nearby that you can easily fidget with so that your body stays occupied.
If you find that listening to your professor during class helps you absorb information, you’re most likely an auditory learner — someone who learns by listening. Here are a few study tips for auditory learners that love the sound of learning:
Record Your Lectures
If your professors don’t already upload recordings of their lectures, try recording your professor during class. By recording their lectures, you can go back and listen to the parts of the material that have slipped your mind. Just make sure you ask your professor for permission first.
Read Your Material To A Friend
Have a roommate or friend that’s looking to help you study for the big exam? Ask them if you can read your flashcards to them. Or if you’re looking to be quizzed, have them read your flashcards to you. By hearing and repeating the information, you’re sure to start absorbing all of that material.
Invest In Quality Headphones
No matter your year or major, investing in a quality pair of headphones is one of the best study tips. You’ll always be easily distracted by the football game going on outside your window or the music blaring from your upstairs neighbor — especially if you’re sensitive to noise. Listen to any lectures or study materials on a quality set of headphones to retain the information while blocking out the access noise. Make sure to add a set of headphones to your essential dorm room essentials.
Jam It Out With A Jingle
Is your usual go-to method of reciting your study material just not clicking? Try using jingles, rhymes, and mnemonic devices to help memorize that super important piece of information. Studying for a history exam? Create a jingle using important dates. Need to memorize a list for your science final? Try using a mnemonic device to act as a memory aid.
Record Yourself Studying
Let’s be honest. Everyone hates hearing their own voice, right? Try to get past that icky feeling of hearing yourself so that you can record yourself reciting your notes. Although it may be hard at first, hearing exactly what you need to remember for your exam will help you ace that test. If you just can’t stand hearing yourself, ask your friend or study buddy to record themselves reciting your notes.
Need some more advice when it comes to effective study tips? Remember putting in the effort to study is half the battle. With back to school right around the corner, finding the good study tips for your learning style — whether you’re a visual, kinesthetic, or auditory learner — is the best way to start off the school year with your head in the game.